Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pornography can be more addictive than cocaine

Technology has become too fabulous these days. The establishment of internet has given freedom of choice and unfield the world making information transaction easy and fast. The existence of internet leading to addiction, people especially youngster at least using internet five minutes a day, it can be for browsing, sending email or chatting. That is the reason why people nowadays using internet to spread messages, for example news and advertisement. The use of internet not only for positive reason. Sometimes, people use internet to find pornography. I do not get the reason people like watching porn movie. Well, that is of course their choice to influencing their life with pornography.

The essence of “making love” has been changing regarding internet can now be accessed almost anywhere in the world. They put their video while they were having sex with their partner. That’s what I mean by the lack of the essence of “making love’. On the other hand, Ryan Singel says “internet pornography is the new crack cocaine”. Internet pornography leads to addiction, same as internet. The perfect drug delivery by internet because we are anonymous, aroused and have role models for those behaviour.

To have your drug pumped into your house anytime you want without any charge, “it is a great delivery system if we want to have a whole generation of young addicts who will never have the drug out of their mind”, Mary Anne Layden. Pornography is very addictive, it is even worse than cocaine. Do you believe it? Well, as coke users can get the drug out of their system, meanwhile pornography images stay in our brain everlastingly. In my opinion, pornography does not worth that much.

As we know there are many free porn website that do not ask for their guests age declaration. Can you imagine a 13 year-old kid watching those movies? And those images stay in their mind forever? How about if they are addicted to porn movie since they are 13 year-old?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"If everyone pretends the dragon is real...then for that society it is real..." Edward Castronova

Internet has majorly supported the growth of Virtual World. In this world, anyone could make their own customizable cyberspace or identity (this has been seen in Facebook, Myspace and many other social networking applications). Like in the real world that we lived in, we need identity to identify our self, to distinguish our self from other people. Virtual world allows us to re-identify or re-introduce our identity in this new world. The term for ‘identity’ inside the virtual world is avatar. With the capability of virtual world, it allows players inside make actions that is similar to the real life (such as buying selling trading etc), this encourage the player itself using that actions to develop their avatar inside the virtual world. The avatar is connected to the virtual world, like many other avatars inside the world, this opens possibility meeting with other avatars, this where community in the virtual world builds from.

Virtual world is an extremely creative natural world. While people visit Second Life or World of Warcraft, they are not see them as game world. They “shared experiences create a sense of reality”. The activity of those games is the building of interactive objects using a scripting simple language. Another activity of virtual world is to achieve of social position under emergent rule sets. “Create drama for fun and education. Make friends that matter. Navigate the line between compliment and criticism", Second Life roles to be played. Second Life offers society, target, commerce and a structured method of interacting.

Meadows (2008:51) argues that experiences create a grounding of belief. Well, I totally agree with Meadows statement. Since people play in virtual world, they build their own life, which they cannot have in the real world. In second life, they literally could customise any character they want and create a significantly different character than their real appearances. And you can make changes to the world itself. That is the reason why people enjoy virtual world, they have another life beside their real life!

Not only actions, the idea of improving the avatar are another feature from virtual world. This idea has been used in MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) games. Games that allow users to role-play the character inside the game, improving and making it stronger, that eventually encourage the user to spend more time inside the game’s world. This accumulative-building-system inside the virtual world differentiates between the worst and the best, the superior and the inferior. Many features inside virtual worlds mimics systems in the real world, this would give acknowledgements to the user’s avatar inside virtual world. Virtual world is a world where an imaginary cyber life takes on.

Socializing through the virtual world definitely makes the player more motivate. Not just with levels and quests, World of Warcraft for instance, it focuses on grouping and teamwork to give social feature to the game. Players can join or form which called Guild. Guild is a group of 10 or more players in the game. Within the guild also apply the hierarchy rank, leader as the highest rank and an initiate for the lowest rank. The higher rank in the guild, the more authority that the player has within the guild only. Guilding is another way to socialise with people in virtual game, they discuss and talk about the game.

Some of players playing World of Warcraft for their income, by trading the account or Warcraft’s money in game with real money currency, it is considering as illegal, but it is unavoidable for the game developer. This trading has an adequate market itself, there is many selling and buying transactions for World of Warcraft happened in real life, especially in Ebay. As the fact that, some gamer wants to skip the leveling part of the game and jump into the maximum character, many of them provide some leveling service for them or even selling the character that already in high level. The stronger of the character in that account, the more expensive will the price be for that character.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"All nationalists and patriotic Australians now have a political vehicle", Australian First Party

Extremism is a term to describe the moves or ideologies of a person or groups outside the perceived political center of a society or otherwise claimed to breach common moral standards, especially who advocates extreme action. An example of extremist group is Aryan Nations which doing a partnership with other extremists. This site includes an “All Things Islamic” and a members-only “Aryan Jihad” section that against the Jews.

Graeme Campbell founded the Australia First Party in June 1996 and at this time this minor political party is lead by Jim Saleam. Australia First Party based on old fashioned Labor Party that has abandoned by Australian Labor Party in 1970s. This Party is rejected the policies of Labor Party and The opposition Liberal Party. “The objects of Australia First include the endorsement, nomination and election to the respective Australian Parliaments of Members of the House of Representatives and of Senators, and members of State or Territory Parliaments, who support the core policies of Australia First and who present as general policies such policies as Australia First endorses in respect of each electorate from time to time.”

Their core policies such as make sure Australia maintain full independence, rebuild Australian manufacturing industries, control foreign ownership, control foreign ownership, reduce and limit immigration, abolish multiculturalism, introduce citizen’s initiated referenda, strengthen the family, strive to rebuild a United Australia and Democratise other policy issues. Australia First Party obviously looks like work in positive movement, but in fact they are in opposition to the Labor Party of Australia. The example of this extremist group’s activity is in 2007, they allocated 2500 brochures that stated that refugees spread crime and disease, claimed for a refugee program that would resettle up to five sundanese families in the area. The council had primarily disapproved the program.

The internet when it comes for spreading information has a big influence and benefit. This extremist organisation, Australia First Party put in a detail for necessary information in their website, from the constitution and rules to the links about their party. Other form of their way to deliver message by facilitates internet is on YouTube. Many speeches and activity they published on that new media. Australian First Party is an open organisation, that recruit membership through internet. They put the requirement for the membership in their website and how to get the application for any reader who interested with their organisation.